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History - Zanzibar

Post Revolution and Present Day


On 24 April 1964, Zanzibar joined with Tanganyika (now Tanzania) under it's President Julius Nyerere. Zanzibar was granted a constitutional right to maintain it's own President, First Minister, Cabinet and House of Representatives. This is still the situation today.

During Karume's rule, he established relations with many socialist countries such as China, USSR and Cuba. Through these relationships he was able to establish roads, airports and an infrastructure badly needed after the flight of the Asians.

Only in the late 1980's was Zanzibar opened as a free market and it then started taking advantage of the tourism potential. Today, Zanzibar is led by Amani Karume, son of Abied Karume, The ruling party is the CCM, and democratic elections are held to elect the president and ruling political party.

Many changes have taken place since the revolution, and Zanzibar, together with Tanzania, is slowly developing it's own niche in the tourism and economic market.

Livingston I presume?

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